Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 3.6.0 Released

Aspose.Words logoWe have published a new release of Aspose.Words for Reporting Services that includes a number of fixes for issues reported by our customers and also some new features.

The following issues are fixed:

  • WORDSRPT-6: RepeatOnNewPage property of the static header row in a tablix.
  • WORDSRPT-7 : Table Headers not repeated for matrix report.
  • WORDSRPT-8: Page break within a rectangle not working.
  • WORDSRPT-100: Aspose.Words for RS2008 Abnormal separation of Tablix Data.
  • WORDSRPT-101: Placeholder set as HTML-interpret HTML tags as styles does not work.
  • WORDSRPT-103: The heading section of report is not exported in DOC/DOCX file.
  • WORDSRPT-104: Chart images do not save in generated HTML file.
  • WORDSRPT-108: Exception thrown when exporting RDL file to DOC/DOCX.

The following new features are implemented:

  • WORDSRPT-40: SSRS Report rectangle background image rendering to Word. You can now use background images in headers/footers, rectangles and textboxes. (See example below. Click to enlarge.)

  • WORDSRPT-107: Adding Table of Contents in AWRS2008. Table of contents can be added by inserting a simple textbox with text TOC in its ToolTip field. (See example below. Click to enlarge.)

Note that you need to update the TOC manually after opening the document. We continue working to enable automatic TOC refresh to remove the need for manual update.

Also in this release, we have included an updated EULA (End User License Agreement). It is included into the package and also can be accessed online at

To download Aspose.Words for Reporting Services 3.6.0, please visit