Monthly Archives: May 2012

Create TNEF messages, identify Outlook message type and much more with Aspose.Email 1.7.0

We have just published version 1.7.0 of Aspose.Email for .NET and Java. This month’s release provides support for the creation of TNEF message files, setting Appointment’s time zone information from an instance of System.TimeZoneInfo and detect Outlook message type using the MapiMessage class.

An important enhancement has been made so that the MHTML renderer includes the embedded images as well as the email header in the output. We have also fixed some issues regarding embedded images, encoding, attachments for EML … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , ,

Aspose.Words for SharePoint 2.5.0 maintenance release is ready

Version 2.5.0 of Aspose.Words for SharePoint has been released.

This release includes the latest improvements made in Aspose.Words. To download the release, please visit the download area.

As usual, we are glad to answer any questions you might have in the forum.

Enjoy!… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Aspose Newsletter, May 2012

Reconnecting with our customers

As part of our ongoing celebration of our 10th birthday, we’ve been talking to some of our very first customers about their experiences of the software industry (and our tools) over the last decade. The first of our customers that we reconnected with was Rob Wilson, Director at Edupoint Educational Systems. Edupoint develops enterprise-level software to support U.S. school districts. The software manages everything from back-office activities and state reporting, to front-end portals for parents and

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Aspose ニュースレター 2012年 5月

Aspose ユーザー様からのフィードバック

Aspose 創業 10周年の記念プロジェクトの一つとして、創業間もない頃のお客様にコンタクトを取って、過去 10年間のソフトウェア業界 (および Aspose 製品) に関するフィードバックをいただいております。コンタクトを取った最初のお客様は、Edupoint Educational Systems 社のディレクタ、Rob Wilson 様です。Edupoint 社は、エンタープライズ レベルのソフトウェアを開発し、米国の多くの学校をサポートしています。そのソフトウェアでは、学校のアクティビティ、州へのレポートから、生徒や父兄向けのフロント エンド ポータルまで、あらゆる内容を管理しています。Aspose 製品がお客様のビジネスに役立っていることを確認でき大変光栄に思っております。また、今後も Aspose 製品をご愛顧いただければと存じます。

Thank you for reading,
John Owens, Aspose Scotland Team Leader

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters |