Get Position of Images inside PDF, Change Position of Existing Stamps

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We are pleased to announce the release of Aspose.PDF for .NET 7.0.0. In this release, we have introduced some great new features including getting the Resolution and Dimensions of images inside PDF document, without extracting them. Further details regarding this feature can be found in the topic posted over Getting Resolution and Dimensions of Embedded Images. Furthermore, we also have introduced two new methods MoveStamp(int pageNumber, int stampIndex, double x, double y) and MoveStampById(int pageNumber, int stampId, double x, double y) in PdfContentEditor class which provide the capability to move/change the position of Stamp object inside the PDF document.

In this release, we have specifically focused on Memory Management while converting PDF to Image format, performance has been greatly improved during PDF concatenation, support for handling complex PDF files is also provided in this new release. This version offers great support for converting HTML files into PDF format, Form filling and working with Watermark objects is also improved. In short, it’s one of the stable and robust Aspose.PDF for .NET versions that we have ever introduced.

Please visit the following link for further details on what’s new & fixed in Aspose.PDF for .NET 7.0.0.