Aspose.Slides autoporting progress, April 30, 2012

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A couple of weeks ago we explained that we are autoporting Aspose.Slides for .NET to Java to improve both the .NET and Java product. Java users will get a whole host of features they didn’t have before and .NET users will get an improved and more powerful product. In the meanwhile, we’re avoiding adding new features or doing customer-specific developments. We want to complete the autoporting work first so that all our users have the same solid base to work from.

We’ve completed the basic work: the background setup that we need to do before running the first port, the analysis, configuration and structure set-up. After the initial autoporting – which we do using CodePortingto speed up the process – we run unit tests on the code (we have over 1000 tests to run) and fix the ones that don’t work. To date, we have over 600 working tests. That’s 60% of the product successfully ported. We’re now working on the remaining 40%.