Aspose Newsletter, April 2012

10 years in business and a new home page

In March, Aspose turned ten. We’re continuing to celebrate our tenth birthday this year and will introduce you to some of our very first users in the coming months. We’re also collecting stories about your experience of working with Aspose. If you have a story you want to share, please email us. We’re interested in hearing how your work has changed over the last 10 years, and how you have used our tools. Are you still using one of our very first products or have you only recently started working with us? We’re curious and want to know. There will be a reward for the best story.

Many thanks,
Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

Product Spotlight – Aspose.Total

If you need more than one of our tools, investigate Aspose.Total. Aspose.Total bundles all our products across a platform. Aspose.Total for SharePoint, for example, contains Aspose.Cells, Aspose.Words, Aspose.Slides. Aspose.Email and Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint. What’s more, as long as you have a valid subscription, you automatically get any new products that we release on your chosen platform.

Technical Article – Generating a Worksheet Thumbnail with Aspose.Cells for Java

Thumbnails can be pasted into Word documents or PowerPoint presentations to give a preview of a worksheet. They can be added to web pages with a link to the original document and has many other uses. Aspose.Cells’ APIs allow you to output worksheets to image files so making a thumbnail is easy. Learn how.

Tutorial Video – Rendering a Gantt Chart with Aspose.Tasks for .NET

With Aspose.Tasks for .NET you can work with Microsoft Project files from within you own applications. One of the tasks that you can perform is saving project data to an image of a Gantt chart. It’s a three step process: load the project, define image parameters and export an image. We’ll show you how in just under two minutes. Watch the tutorial.

Migration Tip – Creating a New Diagram with Aspose.Diagram for .NET

One of Aspose’s goals is to free developers from dependence on Office Automation. To create a new Microsoft Visio diagram, for example, you can use VSTO or Aspose.Diagram. This migration tip compares the two approaches and we hope you’ll agree that the Aspose.Diagram method is rather more elegant. Read the migration tip.

New Releases and Updates

Too busy to evaluate?

If you are too busy to evaluate our products, take the shortcut of a good conversation with our sales team. They are here to answer your questions, no matter how detailed. Contact sales today.

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