Join And Share implemented MS Office, Image, RFT, OpenOffice files rendering to PDF format as well as PDF printing using Aspose APIs

About Join and Share GmbH

Join and Share company logo

Join and Share GmbH is located in Berlin, Germany. We develop customer-specific solutions based first and foremost on Microsoft products. Our certification for the Microsoft Silver Data Platform sets us apart as experts for database-oriented solutions in the field of business intelligence and enterprise applications.

Our team consists of Microsoft .NET experts, database developers for Microsoft SQL Server, Access and Office, Web developers, and UX Designers. Our customers are generally companies from the following sectors: transportation, insurance, housing, health care, education, and public administration.


The Insurance Ombudsman is one of our long-term customers. It helps individual policyholders to have their complaints settled out of the courts’ system in a cost-effective, efficient, and impartial way. In the past, documents for the arbitration process had to be sent by mail or fax. The new goal was that requests for the arbitration can be made on a web portal.

For the request, the complainant must be able to upload documents in a wide range of text and image file formats. The documents are first stored in a database and then combined in PDFs. In the file, all pages are marked (stamped) with the name and the file reference of the complaint. Finally, the requests are saved and printed as single PDF files.

A combination of open source and/or commercially available products is not the first choice for our development team because we don’t want to run into problems regarding the fine control and settings of the PDF produced. The requirement was to use a time-effective and easy solution.


Unhesitatingly, we decided to evaluate Aspose.Total for .NET for the data processing of the various uploaded files.

The decision to use Aspose.Total for .NET was quickly made because we had very good results with the performance and flexibility of Aspose.Words for .NET in other projects. In our experience, the Aspose product family covers almost any feature one can have related to documents with a lot of additional functionality that would have otherwise taken a lot of time/cost to develop.

Some interesting aspects of the implementation:

Code Snippet preview to convert Uncompressed image files to JPEG
Image 1:- Uncompressed image files are converted to JPEG with the component Aspose.Image.

The requirement was that the uploaded image files are printed on A4 sized paper with a defined resolution, picture quality, and margins. Easily and simply done with Aspose.PDF:

Aspose.PDF for .NET code snippet to convert Image to PDF
Image 2:- Code snippet to convert Image to PDF format

Pictures are easily rotated for an optimized positioning:

Code Snippet preview to optimise Image
Image 3:- Code snippet to rotate and optimize the positioning of an image

The text files (Word, OpenOffice, RTF, TXT,…) are quickly and safely converted to PDFs with Aspose.Words for .NET:

Preview of Code snippet for Aspose.Imaging to process Image files
Image 4:- Aspose.Imaging for .NET Code snippet to process Image files

Aspose.Cells did the same job with Excel files with only four lines of code:

Preview of Code snippet to convert Excel files to PDF format
Image 5:- Code snippet to convert Excel files to PDF format

The stamps for the documents are generated with Aspose.PDF:

Preview of Code snippet to add Text Stamp to PDF documents.
Image 6:- Code snippet to Add Text Stamp in PDF files

Finally, the PDFs of a single query are transformed into a single PDF file, saved on a file server, and printed out. Quickly achieved with the PdfFileEditor and PdfViewer object of Aspose.PDF for .NET:

Code snippet preview to Concatenate PDF files
Image 7:- Code snippet to concatenate PDF files
Image 8:- Code snippet to Print PDF documents


We have developed the application with the evaluation version of Aspose.Total for .NET. As expected, we are highly content with the results and absolutely convinced to use the product in future projects as well.

Next Steps

We are planning to optimize the further processes of the customer with Aspose.Total for .NET. One task will be the processing of incoming e-mails with attachments.


Aspose.Total for .NET is a powerful suite to process nearly all kinds of documents at high speed and great quality. It effectively reduces the programming effort. The Aspose.Total for .NET provides a clean and well-documented object-model. We also found many helpful code examples on the Aspose website.

We would highly recommend the components to others.