Yearly Archives: 2011

Aspose.Words is back on Twitter

I tried twitting about the Aspose.Words project sometime ago, but struggled to find a balance between this blog and twitter so I have only been posting here in this blog for a while.

Now it feels like twitting again. More or less important (and hopefully thought out) posts will go here in the blog. Everything else including daily details and questions will go to the tweet.

 … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Text Wrapping Around Images and Shapes in Word Document using C# .NET

I am happy to announce that a very cool and important feature is going to be included in Aspose.Words for .NET 9.6 that is about to be released in just a few days.

Text wrapping around images and shapes when rendering Microsoft Word documents to PDF, XPS, and printing is now supported. This is a major milestone for Aspose.Words in achieving the “high fidelity rendering” goal.

In Microsoft Word documents text can wrap around shapes in the following ways (I … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 10th Jan 2011

Hi all. In my previous post Aspose.Words for Java stood at 679 unit tests failing and now there are only 437 tests to fix. That is 242 tests fixed over about 10 working days.

CodePorting, the tool we’re using to port the code, speeds up the porting process so we can focus on fixing failing tests. If things continue at this speed we need another 18 working days and a completely autoported Aspose.Words for Java will be unit tests green … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family | Tagged

BindHTML, Table repeating row style, Form field validation, XSL-FO to PDF

One of the major release versions of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 4.9.0 has been resolved. This release version has targeted around fifty defects/new features/enhancements that were requested/reported in earlier versions. Some of the most demanding features i.e. BindHTML(….), Different style for table repeating rows, Enable/Disable Trace/Logging output, different PageInfo for various pages of PDF document, support for form field validation and custom calculations, specifying BackgroundImage for table cell, remarkable support for converting TIFF images to PDF, flattening form fields after creation, better Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

Stratascope Dynamically Generated Custom Configured Account Plans in PowerPoint Presentations

About Stratascope Inc.

Stratascope logo

Stratascope Inc. enables sales and marketing professionals with the most powerful insight into industries, markets, companies, and people.

We have pulled together the most comprehensive and timely research available today and coupled it with our exclusive repository of industry-specific business issues. The result is a portal that will “Change the way you sell!” according to many of our customers.

You will find detailed research on industries, global markets, over 2.5 million organizations, executive biographies, news, tweets, key … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family, Aspose.Slides, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , ,

Aspose Newsletter January 2011


Happy New Year!

Hello! My name is Danny Cooper and I am a member of the business team here at Aspose. I am located in Texas, and I oversee our North American business operations. For the many members of our audience I have not previously met, I'm glad to meet you.

We, Aspose, have a lot of exciting things planned this year, and one of those things is livening up a bit. By that I mean becoming more personable.

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Westphal Consulting Generates Dynamic Insurance Policies in PDF format using Aspose APIs

About Westphal Consulting, Inc.

Westphal Consulting was hired by a AAA-rated insurance company to develop a web-based policy generation application for professional insurance policies (not home, life, medical, etc). Insurance policies and accompanying documents are heavily regulated by federal and states. Each insurance policy differs from the state of issuance, product, insured ratings, and various endorsements included in the policy.


It has been too time-consuming to generate manual quote letters, binders, and policies for each submission received. … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , , , ,

Aspose and Perpetuum Software work together

USA, Texas – January 1, 2011 – Documents – letters, emails, spreadsheets, plans, models, presentations and movies – help companies do their business. Documents hold the stored knowledge of an organisation, building bridges from colleagues in time and space. To help you make the most of the documents that you company rely on, Aspose create components that let software engineers quickly convert, create and manipulate documents in most of the popular file formats from within their own applications.

Perpetuum Software … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family | Tagged , , , , , ,

Aspose ニュースレター 2011年 1月

Happy New Year!

初めまして、Aspose ビジネス チームの Danny Cooper です。米国テキサスで北米向けのビジネスを担当しています。

今年、Aspose では、多くの企画を計画しており、現在、その一つを準備しています。個人的なことでは、先月のニュースレターのこのセクションで同僚の John Owens が記事を書きました。彼は、スコットランドでヨーロッパ向けのビジネスを担当しています。彼と私で毎月交互にこのセクションに記事を書く予定です。

ニュースレター以外にも、ソーシャル メディア コミュニティで Aspose を目にするかと思います。今年はより多くソーシャル メディア コミュニティに露出を図る予定です。お客様とパートナーとの交流を図りたいと思います。

もう一つ重要なお知らせがあります。Aspose では、Perpetuum Software 社とのパートナーシップを締結しました。Perpetuum Software 社の Silverlight Viewer for Reporting ServicesAspose rendering extensions のダイレクト サポートを提供しました。Aspose 製品を使用すれば、Perpetuum の viewer をディスカウント価格で入手できます。詳細は、下記を参照してください。

最後に、先月のニュースレターでもお知らせしましたが、現在、”Aspose.Total 25% 0ff 特価キャンペーン” を開催しています。キャンペーンは、2011年 1月 31日までとなっております。この機会に是非ご検討ください。

いつも Aspose 製品をご愛顧いただき、またニュースレターを購読いただき、誠に有難うございます。

Many thanks,

Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

Aspose と Perpetuum Software 社とのパートナーシップ

Silverlight Viewer for Reporting Services は、Silverlight アプリケーションで Reporting Services レポートの View 機能を提供するマーケットで最初の製品です。どの Silverlight アプリケーションにも簡単に統合できるネイティブ

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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters | Tagged