RFMH Automated MS Word and PDF Document Generation and Processing using .NET APIs

About Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene (RFMH)

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The Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc (RFMH) is a private, not-for-profit membership corporation organized in 1952, for the purpose of assisting and enhancing the research and training objectives of the New York State Department of Mental Hygiene and its component agencies; the Office of Mental Health (OMH), the Office for People with Developmental Disabilities (OPWDD) and the Office of Addiction Services and Supports.

Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc. developed an innovative information systems manager named PRISM. It enhances the submission and review of human subjects research by the New York State Psychiatric Institute Institutional Review Board (NYSPI IRB). This ethics committee review process is mandated by federal regulation, and PRISM offers an “intelligent”, guidance-rich, and user-friendly web-application to streamline document completion, submission, review, access and archiving. Aspose provided an essential element by facilitating document generation, exchange, and review in a uniquely flexible and user-friendly format. With the help of Aspose, PRISM became an efficient and paperless system with associated improvements in the quality of the review, as well as benefited us in terms of time and cost-savings. The institution, its researchers, and the individuals who took part in clinical research studies are its beneficiaries.


In order to eliminate all current paper-based processes, PRISM was supposed to provide document generation and manipulation, real-time document exchange, and document editing as well as versioning, in a user-friendly manner.


In our search for a fast, secure, and flexible way to generate, review, and manipulate complex research documents, we found that Aspose fully meets our functional requirements. Aspose products were used to dynamically build documents and generate PDF output for the full range of forms investigators must complete in PRISM. Aspose.Words for .NET, generated reports that have been easy to read and navigate using bookmarks, save, archive and share. Both reviewers and researchers took advantage of form versioning and tracking changes in the documents throughout the review process. The confidential documents were protected by PDF security features. Furthermore, with the rich set of features offered by Aspose, PRISM was able to generate complicated forms in a logical and visually appealing way.


Aspose APIs delivered the desired functionality with minimal implementation, integration, and maintenance efforts. Aspose Products also performed exceptionally well in our benchmark performance tests.

Key benefits of Aspose.Words for .NET and Aspose.PDF for .NET:

  • Easy integration with existing code (native .Net support)
  • Ease of use and implementation (no installation required)
  • Fully-functional code samples (the core of PRISM document module actually evolved from the provided sample code)
  • Well-organized and useful documentation


PRISM aims to enhance human subjects research protections by creating a more efficient process of research design and review. By facilitating the crucial medium of the document exchange, Aspose Products greatly contributed to this mission. We are highly satisfied with Aspose products and would recommend them without hesitation.

PRISM (Psychiatric Research Information Systems Manager)
Research Foundation for Mental Hygiene, Inc.