Advanced conditional formatting is supported and performance is enhanced for PDF conversion in Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.0.3

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We are happy to release Aspose.Cells for .NET 7.0.3. We have made several enhancements and fixed a number of issues in this version.

We have added support for conditional formatting and cell gradient colors when rendering to PDF documents. The PDFs that you create look like the original documents even when they use advanced formatting.

There are some other enhancements to how smart markers and error checking options are handled, especially for XLSM files. We have improved performance for Excel to PDF and Excel to XPS features for various scenarios so that converting large files is faster than ever.

It’s now also possible to copy ranges with validation set.

The GridDesktop control provided by Aspose.Cells for .NET now supports conditional formatting (for Excel 2003 XLS format).

There are over 30 enhancements and fixes in this release.

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