Create and edit documents in ASP.NET MVC applications using Aspose.Total for .NET

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In this tutorial, you’ll learn to incorporate file creation and manipulation features in ASP.NET MVC applications using Aspose.Total for .NET. ASP.NET MVC is used to build patterns-based web applications in an agile development environment, while Aspose.Total for .NET provides everything to plug-in the features to create and manipulate a variety of documents. Using our .NET product suite, you can add and edit PDF, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, bar code, TIFF, and many other file formats in your applications.

This tutorial is based upon a sample MVC application called MvcMusicStore. We’ll build our demo upon this sample project and create bar codes, PDF, Word, Excel and PowerPoint files in the application. The sample project allows us to view details of an album from the music store. We’ll add a bar code along with each album using Aspose.BarCode for .NET. We’ll also convert the data from the album detail to the PDF, DOC, XLS, and PPT formats using Aspose.Pdf for .NET, Aspose.Words for .NET, Aspose.Cells for .NET and Aspose.Slides for .NET respectively.

In this demo, we’ll perform the following steps:

  • Overview of the demo application
  • Add reference to the Aspose components
  • Add Aspose license file in the application
  • Create a new Model to handle the code of Aspose products
  • Create a new Controller to manage Actions related to Aspose products
  • Modify StoreController to integrate Aspose code with the application
  • Modify Details View to add bar code and buttons to generate files
  • Add code to generate bar codes using Aspose.BarCode for .NET
  • Add code to create PDF, DOC, XLS,  and PPT files

Please view the following video tutorial to learn how you can use Aspose products for .NET platform with ASP.NET MVC:

Part 1: Overview and Generate Bar Codes in C# .NET

Part 2: Create PDF and Office Documents in C# .NET

I hope you enjoyed this video tutorial. If you find any related questions, please do let us know and we’ll be glad to help you out.