Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint has joined the Aspose.Pdf family

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Please put your hands together and welcome our new member to Aspose.Pdf family. Yes with the introduction of Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint, the Aspose.Pdf product family has been complete and now it includes the products targeting .NET, Java, Reporting Services, JasperReports and SharePoint platforms. This new and amazing product provides great integration with Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and it provides the leverage to export lists, list items and SharePoint wiki pages to PDF file format. You simply need to install and configure MS SharePoint server and then you are good to with the installation of Aspose.Pdf for SharePoint. No extra component or configuration is required. Just run the installer and this product automatically gets integrated with SharePoint server. Please be the first to download and start exploring the great features of this product.