Monthly Archives: September 2011

Aspose Newsletter September 2011

Celebrating 10,000 customers

We are rapidly reaching 10,000 customers, a milestone that we want to celebrate. We’re giving away a MacBook Air as well as a Developer Small Business license to the 10,000th customer. To give everyone a chance to celebrate with us, we’re offering a 25% discount on Aspose.Total.

In September, we’re changing the name of Aspose.Network to Aspose.Email. We’re making the change to better reflect the focus of the product and what our customers use it for. It

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Aspose ニュースレター 2011年 9月

購入ユーザー様 10,000 名達成記念

Aspose 製品の購入ユーザー様の数が 10,000 名に到達します。このマイルストーンを記念して、10,000 名目のお客様には、MacBook Air と Developer Small Business ライセンスを 1 ライセンス贈呈いたします。また、すべてのお客様を対象に、Aspose.Total 製品を 25% OFF で提供いたします。

9月に、Aspose.Network 製品の名前を Aspose.Email に変更します。名前の変更によって、より製品の機能と使用用途を分かりやすくしました。名前の変更だけで、機能の変更はありません。

Many thanks,
Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader

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Supporting user groups and events

User group iconTexas, USA – 31 August, 2011 – Aspose supports a number of local user groups and events in the US. We are keen to support interaction and innovation and sponsoring user groups is one way in which we can do this. User groups are great for individuals as well as the industry: they get people together to learn, and to exchange and spark ideas. They are forums where people who share an interest get together, learn more about technologies and discuss… Continue Reading
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