Merged Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.1.0 is Out Now with Some New Features and Fixes and Many Improvements

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Second release of merged Aspose.Pdf for .NET has been published. In Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.1.0, we have introduced some new features and fixed a couple of issues. We have also improved various aspects of the component in this release. We encourage you to use this latest version, so you would be able to get all the benefits due to these improvements. The areas which have been enhanced in this release are discussed below.

We have introduced a new feature to convert PDF files to EMF images. We have also supported a feature which allows you to specify whether the fields in the concatenated PDF file will be unique or not. This feature is beneficial in the scenarios where multiple input PDF files contain form fields with the same name. Now, there could be two situations in the output PDF file: either keep the fields as they are or make them unique. We had two types of customers with one of these two requirements. That’s why we have introduced the KeepFieldsUnique property in the PdfFileEditor class to allow users get output PDF according to their needs. If you want to get the output with unique field names, you can also specify the particular format for the suffix in the output using UniqueSuffix property.

There are some other areas which received attention of our developers for improvement. These areas include PDF to PDF/A conversion, fonts rendering, PDF to image conversion, linearization and adding PDF as watermark in an existing PDF file. Performance of filling form fields has also been improved.

We had noticed a couple of bugs in the earlier version. Those bugs are fixed in this release. These bugs were related to loading license file from embedded resources, memory usage while concatenation, text extraction, adding image as watermark, finding number of pages of the PDF file, and importing data from XML etc.

We are confident that you’re going to a have a quite good experience with this new release. You may download the latest version from the Aspose.Pdf for .NET downloads section. It is worth mentioning here that all the releases of Aspose.Pdf for .NET starting from 6.0.0 are part of the merged version. Any releases of Aspose.Pdf for .NET with the version lower than 6.0.0 are part of the legacy Aspose.Pdf for .NET, which will be discontinued from October 2011.