Introducing Enterprise Support And Other Support Changes

In our continued efforts to ensure that our products and services fit the needs of all customer sizes we’re introducing some changes to our Support Services.

Since introducing Priority Support just over a year ago we’ve had tremendous feedback, from this feedback we’ve gathered that our Site subscription customers demand more from our Support Services that our Developer subscription customers.

To that end, we’re introducing a more streamlined version of our Enterprise Support service, amongst other benefits Enterprise Support customers will be entitled to direct email contact with our Product Management team and regular Enterprise Support newsletters. We’re also working on giving Enterprise Support customers access to our issue tracking system so they can stay up to date with the latest progress on the issues that you raise.

That’s not all, Priority Support is constantly evolving, our support team is always striving to do the best for each and every customer. We’re cutting response times and we’re seeing a record number of fixes being delivered to customers.

Our excellent free support service is not impacted by these changes, it will be the same great service you’ve always had access to.

The prices for these support services are as follows and these will be applicable from July 22nd 2011.

Priority Support for Developer Small Business Subscriptions – $449
Priority Support for Developer OEM Subscriptions – $1199
Enterprise Support for Site Small Business Subscriptions – $1599
Enterprise Support for Site OEM Subscriptions – $4799