New annotation styles, greater performance and better non-English text support

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Be the first to download and take advantage of latest release version of Aspose.Pdf for .NET 5.4.0 as it provides superb performance while generating large PDF documents and provides better & stable support for rendering non-English text such as Japanese, Chinese, Vietnamese, Arabic, etc. This version is equally stable while placing non-English contents from XSL-FO, XML or through code into product Document Object Model. Adding more to the great list of annotation styles already supported, we now have introduced some new annotation styles such as free text, line, popup, square, circle and markup. These new styles are equally supported via code or through XML file. Along with the capability to convert Google Maps into PDF, numerous issues related to HTML to PDF conversion have been fixed.

We also have introduced the new feature to define separate formatting information for the first page of document such as “FirstPageMarginTop”, “FirstPageMarginBottom”, “FirstPageMarginLeft”, “FirstPageMarginRight”, “FirstPageMarginInner”, “FirstPageWidth”, “FirstPageHeight”, “FirstPageGutterSize”, “FirstPageGutterPlacement”, “FirstPageBorder” and much more.

Please note: The current release is part of legacy Aspose.Pdf for .NET and its support in terms of releases and hotfixes will be discontinued by October 2011. Please try migrating your code to new Aspose.Pdf for .NET 6.0.0 (merged API) as this version includes both the features of Aspose.Pdf for .NET and Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET.

For details on features introduced and issues fixed in this version, please visit Aspose.Pdf for .NET 5.4.0