Run Aspose.Words One Way or Another on Windows, Linux and Mac OS

Convert Word to PDF in Windows Linux and Mac OS X

Some people would say “there is more than one way to skin a cat”, but I prefer saying “there is one way or another you can run Aspose.Words”.

I had a lot of fun last week because I had a chance to participate in making tutorial videos of Aspose.Words performing DOC to PDF conversions on all combinations of operating systems and development platforms we could possibly think of.

We’ve taken DOC2PDF conversion as an example because it is a very simple to the user, but very important and complex feature of Aspose.Words. It is great to be able to show you it is working the way we say it is.  Another old saying comes in handy “a picture is worth a thousand words” and a newer one “a video is worth a thousand pictures”.

Here are the videos in the HD format on YouTube, so you can see the computer screens with clarity:

Convert Word to PDF in Windows

Convert Word to PDF in Linux

The above videos show we work on Ubuntu, but in our tests we’ve done the same on openSUSE and CentOS too.

Convert to PDF in Mac OS X

Additional Info

There have been some other good things coming out of this exercise:

  • Aspose.Words 10.2 due to release at end of June does not require setting the TrueType fonts folder like you see in these videos. It works automatically, but we kept it in the videos because it is still a very useful feature.
  • The documentation that will be released with Aspose.Words 10.2 has been updated to include additional info about using Aspose.Words on various Linux distributions and in Mono projects.

We and other teams at Aspose are making more tutorial videos, so stay tuned, search for “Aspose” on YouTube.

And finally, to help you recover from the silence of our amateur videos, there is, of course, a great song by Blondie to go with this post- Enjoy!