Convert PPTX to PPTM, PPSM, POTM and PPSX using C#

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We take pride in sharing the new release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 5.2.0, which includes the maiden feature support for converting PPTX to other native formats like PPTM, PPSM and POTM. Now, support for reading macro enabled presentations has also been made possible in this release. However, support for macros in Aspose.Slides for .NET is still not been provided. Enhanced rendering support for some of new shapes has also been made available. We have also introduced the support for converting PPTX to PPSX along with the fix for some of the presentation access issues in this release. New improved support for getting dynamic table width / height based on contents inside has also been provided. The pending issue of license access in Mono environment has also been rectified.

In order to view a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for .NET 5.2.0, please visit this link.