Add Arabic Text with Image in PDF Documents using C#

Aspose is proud to announce the release of another version of Aspose.PDF for .NET which supports the feature of generating PDF/A compliant documents. With this version, now you have the capabilities to generate PDF/A-1A or PDF/A-1B compliant documents. Please check out the following link for more information on How to create PDF/A-1 with Aspose.Pdf.

Add Arabic Text to PDF using C#

Aspose.PDF is very stable and handy while working with non-English characters and with this release, the support for Arabic text has become more viable. The product has become so intelligent that even if some English/numeric text is placed between the Arabic context, it automatically displays the contents in an appropriate format i.e. Arabic text in RTL and English/numeric contents in their respective sequence. Not only this, you may also place images while adding RTL and English contents. For better understanding, please take a look over the following image.

We all know that Aspose.Pdf is capable of transforming image files into PDF format. Now leaping ahead in the race for providing better components, a new capability to transform TIFF images with JPEG compression into PDF format has been added.

This hotfix also supports new CSS tags (margin-left and text-align) while rendering HTML contents into PDF format. Last but not the least, in this release we have introduced a new feature to automatically set the image height and width according to table cell dimensions when placing it as cell backgroud. Please try using Cell.BackgroundAlignment = CellBackgroundAlignment.Align to automatically adjust Image dimensions according to table cell. You may also try using other values from CellBackgroundAlignment enumeration like Top-Left, Top-Right, Bottom-Left and Bottom-Right.

For a complete list of issues fixed in this release and to download your very own copy of the latest hotfix, please visit Aspose.PDF for .NET 5.2.1.