Aspose APIs Empowered Smart Matching UK to Implement various Document Types Conversion to PDF in Recruitment Software

About Smart Matching UK

SmartMatching UK company logo

We are a specialist in software recruitment solutions based in the UK. Our customers are some of the leading TV Production Companies in the UK and Europe.


We were looking for a solution that can enable us to convert documents into PDF format that can be uploaded into our recruitment system. We needed a PDF converter that could handle various types of document formats and produce a high quality of conversion. PDF would provide us with a standard document format for our system, allowing us to maintain consistency throughout our product. Our user base was excessing 30,000, so it was vital to select a product that matched all our criteria. The solution required was supposed to be lightweight in terms of resources needed, fast at document conversion, and could scale as our user base increases.


We selected Aspose.Words for .NET for our solution because it met all our business and technical requirements. We integrated it into our recruitment product and our system was able to generate PDF of all the document formats uploaded by users. Users were then able to see standardized, professional-looking documents formatted consistently.

Preview of output in PDF format
Image 1:- Resultant document preview in PDF format


Finding a solution

We looked at a wide range of products on the market including a trial version of Aspose.Words for .NET. We assessed each of them against our specific test criteria. As per our observations, Aspose.Words for .NET proved to be the most comprehensive, fastest, and easiest to use for our needs. Aspose Support helped us with all our business and technical requirements. They were able to answer all queries and explained them to the required level of details.


We were able to integrate Aspose.Words for .NET into our product and made an assessment in a matter of hours. Integration required a minimal amount of code that was available and fully documented on their website. This reduced our development and project costs significantly. Technical assistance and developer support on the website were first-rate.


Aspose.Words for .NET have met our business and technical requirements and has been rolled out in our recruitment product base.

Next Steps

Base on our experience, any functionality in the future that requires document processing/creation/editing will certainly involve Aspose.


We were looking for an easy to use, class-leading, and simple to integrate PDF generator component that can integrate with our product. Aspose.Words for .NET was exactly what we were looking for. It met all our business and technical requirements and we would highly recommend this product to anyone.

Stuart Ives
Technical Partner, SMUK