Monthly Archives: March 2011

PDF to Image Conversion, PDF Concatenation, Bookmark Editing, and Stripping JavaScript Features are Improved in Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET.

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 5.4.0 is now available for download. In this latest version, we have improved PDF to image conversion, PDF file concatenation, bookmark editing, and JavaScript stripping features. Previously, we introduced Strip method to remove JavaScript from the PDF file. This method enabled you to provide input and output PDF files as string parameters — file paths. We had discussed this earlier in this post. However, with this latest release, we have added an overloaded Strip method to support… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.PDF Product Family |

Read Pivot Tables in Template Files and Add Shapes to XLSX Files using Java

We have released the Aspose.Cells for Java v2.5.2 for the users.

In this version, we have supported to read pivot tables in the template files. You may add Line shape to Excel 2007/2010 XLSX files now. Moreover, you can get/set Gridlines’ visibility of different worksheets in ODS files. We have also further enhanced/optimized some important features/modules including Chart-to-Image, Sheet-to-Image, Excel-to-PDF, Parsing Formulas and Copying Cells etc.

There are some other enhancements and fixes too.

Download URL: Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Word Cleaner developed DOC Converter Pro offering Batch Conversion of Microsoft Word Files to HTML

About Word Cleaner

Word Cleaner (now Doc Converter) is a shareware program that batch converts Microsoft Word files to HTML and during conversion, it cleans up the code. In previous versions, we relied on linking into Word to do the conversion, and then we used to execute a special clean up routines on the code. Then we started looking to use Aspose.Words for Java in a subsequent version of Word Cleaner, specifically to use the conversion from Word … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Words, Success Stories | Tagged , , , ,

Get Filtered Messages from POP3, IMAP and Exchange Server Mailbox

We have recently released a new version of Aspose.Network for .NET 6.2. We added support to get filtered messages from POP3, IMAP and Exchange Server mailboxes based on date, subject, sender, recipients and other criteria. We also fixed some bugs which were reported on forums by our customers. For release notes and download, please visit… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose wins 4 awards in the 2010-2011 ComponentSource Awards

ComponentSource has announced this year’s winners for the 2010-2011 ComponentSource Awards. Aspose took four awards this year.

ComponentSource Publisher Awards for 2010-2011

Aspose – Top 10 BestSelling Publisher Awards for 2010-2011

ComponentSource Bestselling Product Awards 2010-2011

Rank    Product Name         Award
11th       Aspose.Total                Top 25 Product Award
23rd      Aspose.Words              Top 25 Product Award
39th      Aspose.Cells                 Top 50 Product Award

You can see our awards page here. You can view the full award lists from ComponentSource:

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Posted in Merit Cooper |

Full Support of Barcode Control in .NET 4.0 Applications in Aspose.BarCode for .NET 3.9.1

We have recently released Aspose.BarCode for .NET 3.9.1 hotfix which fixes the issues in adding the BarCode control in Windows Forms .NET 4.0 project in Visual Studio 2010. With this hotfix, the control can now be used and easily customized according to your needs. You also need to change the target platform to “.NET 4.0” if it is set to “.NET 4.0 Client Profile”. For download and release notes, please visit… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.BarCode Product Family |

Aspose Newsletter March 2011

Introducing Rollbase, a cloud computing company, and sharing some thoughts on searches. This month, we also share a technical article on Aspose.Words for .NET, a video about Aspose.Slides for Java, a migration tip for Aspose.Cells for .NET, announce the future merging of Aspose.Pdf and Aspose.Pdf.Kit and the discontinuation of Aspose.Flash and Aspose.Report.
Posted in Customer Newsletters | Tagged , , , , , , ,

Aspose wins ComponentSource 2010-2011 awards

March 2, 2011  Texas, USA – ComponentsSource is a leading online software vendor who offers products from over 250 vendors to over 125,000 customers. Every year, they put together a list of the best selling companies and products that they work with. There are two categories: Bestselling Publisher Awards, and Bestselling Product Awards. Aspose placed in both categories and collected a total of four awards.

We are particularly proud to find ourselves in the top of the Best Selling … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family, Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Cells Product Family, News Release | Tagged , , ,

Aspose ニュースレター 2011年 3月

Rollbase とより快適なサーチエンジンの紹介


ビジネス ニュースとして、Rollbase 社を紹介します。Rollbase 社は、ビジネス セントリックの作成や SaaS (Software as a Service) 向けのクラウド開発プラットフォームです。プラットフォームがポータブルであることはより良いことで、開発者はホスティング クラウドかプライベート クラウド ソリューションを選択することができます。

プラットフォームが Aspose.Words for Java のネイティブ サポートを提供しているので、Rollbase は、レーダーになります。Aspose.Words for Java を購入すれば、Rollbase で直ぐにビジネス ドキュメントの生成用に Word ドキュメントのテンプレートにアクセスが可能です。詳細は、Rollbase のブログ ポストを参照してください

今月は、一般的な話として、サーチ エンジンで使いたい機能に関する話題を上げたいと思います。探し物をするにはサーチ エンジンは非常に役立ちますが、何を検索したら良いか分からない時にどうしますか。恥ずかしい話ですが、時々このようなことがあります。例えば、外出先で知らない植物を見つけたとします。その植物の名前すら知らない場合に、どのようにしてその植物の詳細を検索しますか。

Radica games は、古い二十の質問のゲームを非常に面白いゲーム デバイスに翻訳しました。このコンセプトを見ると、似たモノの検索機能は役立ちませんが、一般的な質問に答えていくことで何を探しているか確認できるインターフェースです。写真を使用するとより早く確認できるはずです。


Many thanks,

Danny Cooper, Aspose Texas Team Leader


Aspose とユーザー様が情報交換できる方法を紹介します。このニュースレターも一つのユーザー様とのコミュニケーションですが、Aspose では、常にユーザー様からの声を歓迎します。

Forum iconAspose のフォーラムからの質問。テクニカル サポートだけでなく、新機能のリクエストや購入に関する質問や Web サイトに関するコメントなどもお寄せください。

Facebook でのコミュニケーション。Facebook や Twitter で最新情報を更新し、簡単に Aspose とコミュニケーションを取れます。

Email icon編集者への投稿。Aspose とニュースレターの購読者間で共有したい情報があれば、編集者へ Email でご連絡ください。

製品スポットライト – Aspose.Pdf と Aspose.Pdf.Kit
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Posted in Aspose Japan, Customer Newsletters | Tagged

Aspose.Words for SharePoint maintenance v.2.2.0 release is ready.

Dear Customers, We are pleased to announce our new maintenance 2.2.0 release of Aspose.Words for SharePoint. To check out the full list of changes and download release please visit As usual at our forum we are glad to answer any questions you might have. Enjoy!
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |