Autoporting Aspose.Words for Java Progress – 13th Oct 2010

Today’s stats are:

  • Total source files 2413
  • 1888 compiles on Java okay = 78.2%
  • 525 has autoporting problems = 21.7%

Comparing to the previous report we have made 47 C# files autoportable. That’s 8% of the previous 572 files still to fix. This allows to make some estimates. If we keep this pace, then we need about 12 weeks more to make all files compile in Java. That’s only all compile. We will need time to get all unit tests going, do more testing and prepare the release. This could take us into Jan-Feb 2011. But let’s wait and see what velocity we have next week.

Some good news: the Aspose.Words field engine is now completely autoportable, it means you will get all field update including formulas, IF, TOC etc in Aspose.Words for Java when this project is finished.