Monthly Archives: September 2010

Structured Document Tags (Content Controls) are confirmed in the upcoming Aspose.Words for .NET 9.4

Aspose.Words for .NET 9.4. is our next release that is likely to be available early next week.

Another great feature that I can confirm is making into this release is support for Structured Document Tags (Content Controls) in your OOXML documents.

Earlier versions of Aspose.Words would just lose Content Controls if you open/save a DOCX document.

The upcoming version fully preserves Content Controls in your documents during DOCX open/save operations.

There will be a new public class StructuredDocumentTag (derives from … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, September 2010

New Release – Aspose.Slides for SharePoint

Converting PowerPoint files to other file formats from within a SharePoint application can be a difficult and time consuming task. The newest addition to our Aspose.Slides family of products, Aspose.Slides for SharePoint, makes it possible easily and quickly.

Aspose.Slides for SharePoint allows you to read and convert PowerPoint files in a SharePoint application without using Microsoft PowerPoint. It is aimed at SharePoint developers that need to convert various PowerPoint file formats to PDF,

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Aspose 2010年09月お客様へのメールマガジン

新リリース – Aspose.Slides for SharePoint

SharePoint アプリケーション内で PowerPoint ファイルを他のファイル フォーマットへ変換することは、難しく、かつ時間の掛かる作業です。Aspose.Slides 製品群に新たに追加された Aspose.Slides for SharePoint は、簡単にかつ素早くこの作業を実現できます。

Aspose.Slides for SharePoint で、Microsoft PowerPoint を使用しなくても SharePoint アプリケーションで PowerPoint ファイルを読み込みおよび変換ができます。PowerPoint ファイルを PDF、TIFF または XPS フォーマットへ変換する必要がある SharePoint 開発者には最適なツールです。Aspose.Slides for SharePoint は C# で記述されているので、インストールが簡単でかつ素早く起動します。

無料評価版をダウンロードし、是非、Aspose.Slides for SharePoint の機能をお試しください。

製品スポットライト – Aspose.Flash for Reporting Services

Aspose.Flash for Reporting Services は、堅牢な .NET ソリューションで、Microsoft SQL Server 2005 および 2008 Reporting Services で SWF および FLV レポートを生成します。また、Microsoft Report Viewer コントロールとも統合できます。Aspose.Flash for Reporting Services は、Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services で

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Posted in Aspose Japan |