Convert a Word Document to EPUB and Read on iPod

You can use Aspose.Words for .NET to easily convert any document to EPUB.

Document doc = new Document(@"E:\MyDoc26.doc");

Then upload this document to your iPod, iPhone or iPad. I have Apple iBooks installed on mine and it can display EPUB documents pretty well.

Simple Test

Here is a sample I used to check non-English characters and images are displayed alright. I am holding iPod with the document I generated using Aspose.Words against the backdrop of the original document opened in Microsoft Word.

Navigable Table of Contents

Here is another picture. This time I show a navigable TOC generated by Aspose.Words.

Splitting Document into Parts

A new feature for EPUB and HTML export in Aspose.Words that we are including in the next release is the ability to split the output document into several parts.

Splitting a large document into parts when saving as EPUB helps to make load and display faster on a mobile device. The document is still a single EPUB file, but it is split into small parts inside.

Here is how I specify the document to be split during save:

Document doc = new Document(@”X:\Aspose\Aspose.Words\UserDocs\Temp\3.Split.Java\AW.docx”);
HtmlSaveOptions opt = new HtmlSaveOptions(SaveFormat.Epub);
opt.DocumentSplitCriteria = DocumentSplitCriteria.HeadingParagraph;
opt.DocumentSplitHeadingLevel = 5;
doc.Save(@”X:\Aspose\Aspose.Words\UserDocs\Temp\3.Split.Java\AW.epub”, opt);

When I tried this option – it really made a huge difference to the speed of document display in Apple iBooks.

High Fidelity

And of course it is hard to faithfully convert complex Word documents into EPUB, but Aspose.Words is a world-class document conversion library.

Here are some screenshots where Aspose.Words takes care about converting WMF metafiles and office shapes into something that can be displayed in EPUB.

OpenOffice documents to EPUB too!

And of course Aspose.Words can convert a document in any of its supported load formats into EPUB. This includes OpenOffice (ODT) documents. Here is a conversion of some ODT document to EPUB, displayed on my iPod.