Encryption, Filling and Flattening Form Fields, Concatenation and XMP Metadata Features are Improved in Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET.

Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET 4.8.0 is now available for download. In this latest release, we have improved various aspects of the component. We have enhanced encryption and concatenation features. The field flattening and form filling features of Form class have been improved as well. We have also worked on Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET to support Adobe Illustrator files. PDF to image conversion and text extraction features have also been enhanced. We have tried to improve the font related features and text rendering mechanism.

In this new version, XMP metadata related features have also been enhanced. Now, you can add, remove, update or get metadata using PdfXmpMetadata class only; XmpSchema class has been marked as obsolete. A complete example of using these new features can be found along with the PdfXmpMetadata class.

The latest version also allows you to check whether a PDF file is portfolio file or not; you can use HasCollection property of PdfFileInfo class. HasCollection property will return true in case a file is a portfolio file. In order to remove open action from the document, you can use RemoveDocumentOpenAction method of PdfContentEditor class.

You can see the complete list of changes and download the latest version from the Aspose.Pdf.Kit for .NET download section.