Autoporting Aspose.Words for .NET to Java Weekly Progress – 27th Aug 2010

Compiles okay = 72.1% (up only 0.4%) from last week.

Does not compile = 27.8%

Although the increase in the number of Aspose.Words autoportable C# to Java source files is rather small this week, we have great news.

Aspose.Words internally consists of two libraries/modules: Aspose.Foundation and Aspose.Words. Aspose.Foundation contains a lot of “common” code such as utility classes, platform abstraction layer, structured storage module, zip library, true type fonts module, rendering (the Aspose Paper Specification), parsing and rendering of metafiles, PDF and XPS renderers etc.

The great news is that Aspose.Foundation is now completely autoportable. We managed to compile a completely autogenerated Aspose.Foundation on Java this week. Yes, we have a lot C# code, we run our CsPorter tool, we get a lot of Java code on the output, we compile the Java code and bingo – it works.

We now can provide an additional progress indicator – the number of unit tests that pass.

Today, Aspose.Foundation unit tests pass = 26%

Which is absolutely great for a first run of a completely generated Java code that is responsible for so many important things in Aspose.Words.