Excel Sheet to Image, Sheet to Print and Workbook to Print using Java

We have released the Aspose.Cells for Java v2.4.0 for the users.

In this version, we have provided some valuable features for the users, e.g. Sheet to Image, Sheet to Print, Workbook to Print. We also support to group pivot table fields in Excel 2007 files. Moreover, the conditional formatting and shapes are supported in Excel to Pdf feature. The macros would be retained when converting Excel 97 – 2003 files to Excel 2007 files.

We have made lots of enhancements regarding certain features and operations, e.g. reading/writing conditional formatting, direct Excel to Pdf feature, formatting of cell values, removing header/footer of PageSetup and copying of cells.

There are some other fixes too.

Download URL: https://products.aspose.com/cells