Presentation access, exporting to PDF, video frame identification, removing master slide and slide comments removal issues resolved

We take pride in sharing the new release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.3.0, which includes enhanced support for identifying video frames inside presentation. Many improvements have been made in PPT/PPTX export to PDF by resolving issues like improper image and text rendering, missing slide text and blank exported slide issues in this new release. Various exception messages like unsupported fonts exception, out of bound exception and invalid parameters exception while exporting to PDF have been rectified. Some of the trivial issues related to access of presentation file from various PowerPoint versions have also been resolved. Support for PPTX master slide and slide comments removal has also been included in this new release.

In order to view a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.3.0, please visit this link.