Bismer Upgraded Document Management System with Aspose.Total for.NET for Reports in MS Word and Excel Format

About Bismer Cozum Co

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Bimser Cozum Co is focused on Management Systems Software. One of them is QDMS. QDMS is an Integrated Management System Software package. It has approximately 170 installations in Turkey and has around 180,000 end users. Our vision is to introduce our solution to all of the world’s companies that have an interest in Quality Management Systems. QDMS has 18 sub-modules one of which is a Document Management System.

Requirements Scenario

Management System documents have revision history information. Generally, this information was placed on Document header or footer sections. The view of our customers is that this data should come from QDMS Software automatically. In official documents, we should place Revision Number or Revision Date information automatically. So, In the QDMS Application, Office documents are automated updated to contain this information in both Microsoft Word and Microsoft Excel documents.

Solution Implementation

We had used Office Automation and com+ technology. But with this approach, our server had locked, crashed, or failed due to meaningless failures. But later one, we used Aspose.Total for .NET, to change data in documents, and to prepare Excel Reports.


A large benefit included that we did not have have to pay for Microsoft Office License for our clients. Another large benefit was that we did not have to use com+ technology on the server meaning our applications were more robust and protected (Especially Security problems).

Our Excel Reports can be designed by our users which helped us to increase customer satisfaction.


We have used Aspose.Total for .NET for 5 years. We like Apose for Rapid development as well as their good technical support.

Preview of QDMS software
Image 1:- Preview of QDMS solution