PPT access in Windows Azure and MS Office 2008 for MAC, Slide rendering, PDF export and presentation access issues resolved

We proudly announce the new release of Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.2.0, which includes some of new improvements like .NET 3.5 – 4 client profile compatibility and provision of PPTX slides commenting. The support for presentation access in Windows Azure and MS Office 2008 for MAC has also been provided in this new version. The improved slide rendering features along with the Japanese characters rendering support in the exported PDF documents has been provided in this new product release. Some of the trivial issues related to presentation opening and saving have also been resolved. The enhanced slide thumbnail and improved printing of EMF file has been added in this new version.

 In order to view a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for .NET 4.2.0, please visit this link.