ODT interoperability, jerez and tapas at the ODF Plugfest in Granada, Spain

In mid-April, four of us from the Aspose.Words team have attended the ODF Interoperability workshop that was held in the beautiful city of Granada in the province of Andalusia. The main themes of the trip were learning more about Open Document initiatives in Europe, meeting people, talking about nuances of ODT and testing how well Aspose.Words supports it. Besides, we had a chance to make a presentation about Aspose.Words to the ODF Plugfest community.


Due to our poor Spanish, we did not attend Spanish-spoken sessions (there were some). Instead we’ve had a plenty of time to discuss issues with ODF people and participate in the testing sessions. Remarkably not only ODF but also OOXML was discussed a little, since both represent industry mainstream.


We’ve went through testing scenarios from all previous workshops as well as from the current one and found around two dozen issues. More than half of those have already been fixed in the current release of Aspose.Words, and there are more fixes soon to come.  You can download the latest release and see the descriptions of fixed issues here


Those that made it so far through this post may wonder what is jerez and tapas? The answer is simple: in Spanish they are sherry and snacks which were very delicious in Granada in the evehings and nicely complemented the daily working sessions. So without doubts, Spanish flavors including fiery Flamenco have contributed quite a bit to the quality of ODT support by Aspose.Words.