Monthly Archives: April 2010

Priority Support – Now Available

At Aspose we pride ourselves on the quality of our technical support; we put a huge amount of effort into our support operation to ensure that if our customers need our help they can get in contact with skilled staff members to ensure they can get a suitably appropriate and timely answer.
As we have grown an increasing number of customers have expressed the need for “instant” support, these customers have needs that are usually attached to a deadline … Continue Reading

Posted in John Owens |

Net Reaction Automated Template based policy Documents creation using APIs

About Net Reaction

Net Reaction logo

Net Reaction is a forensics firm specializing in cybercrime. We work with clients in many different industry verticals to investigate information crimes that happen to them and mitigate the risks associated with them. With many of our clients, part of the mitigation strategy is putting appropriate policies and procedures in place to affect their operations in a way that the vulnerabilities that caused the previous breach are mitigated. This scenario requires a lot of documentation, and with … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Total, Success Stories | Tagged ,

Create Pareto, Step or Scatter charts or set secondary axis, custom axis labels or data point labels in your Java applications

Aspose.Report for Java 1.6.0 has been released. This release includes support for Pareto, Step and Scatter chart types. Now Aspose.Report for Java supports 13 most popular chart types.

This release also allows you to set secondary X and Y axis for your charts. Custom labels are also supported by this release which allows you to create axis labels of your choice.

Support for data point labels has also been included in this release. This feature is supported for Bar charts Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

KDSolutions created a Digital Filing System using Aspose.BarCode for .NET

About KDSolutions

KD Solutions Logo

Aspose.BarCode for.Net library was used in one of our projects to assist with automating the filing process of scanned digital files. The files were scanned using a network scanner as into .tif files and saved on a shared network drive. The Aspose.Barcode .Net library and ASP.NET technology were used to search Barcodes within the pages of scanned files, recognize them, and find their appropriate match to encrypt and move the file to its destination.

Business Requirement

One of … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Business, Aspose.BarCode Product Family, Case Studies | Tagged , , ,

DynaFile Document Preview and Office files Conversion to Image and PDF Accomplished using Aspose.Total for .NET

About Blue Ribbon Technologies

Blue Ribbon Technologies logo

Blue Ribbon Technologies created DynaFile, a web-based document management application offered as a SaaS (Software as a Service) solution to its users. Providing a robust set of features and tools, DynaFile offers the capability for users to easily archive, retrieve, and manage documents stored within the system.

DynaFile allows employees and business associates to access, view, retrieve, and share documents effortlessly without the need to install any proprietary software. With the capabilities to completely … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family, Aspose.Total, Success Stories | Tagged , , , ,

Aspose.Words with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 RC

Some customers have reported they cannot build an application with Aspose.Words in Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 RC.

We confirm you cannot build a project if you select one of the following Target framework settings in the Project Properties:

  • .NET Framework 3.5 Client Profile
  • .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile

The error message is “… it has a dependency on Sysem.Web … which is not in the currently targeted framework”.

Yes, Aspose.Words has a dependency on System.Web to provide a … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Calculate Formulas beyond Excel 2003 Restriction and Apply 3D Chart Effects with Aspose.Cells for .NET 4.9.0

We are pleased to release Aspose.Cells for .NET 4.9.0 for the users.


In the new version, we have provided new features and enhanced some existing features. The component is now capable to calculate formulas that exceed MS Excel 2003 row/column limitation. It also supports MS Excel 2010 Sparklines feature. We have further enhanced the Formula Calculation Engine. You can also implement 3D effects for MS Excel 2007 Charts, the APIs are available now. There are some useful features added to the new version: Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Word Object Model without Word

This article is a call for your feedback. In the August 2009 we had to drop Aspose.Editor but left are functional pieces which can be reused in Aspose.Words, well, if you need them…

In past times developers relied on Word Object Model and VBA for their automation needs. Today Microsoft recommends VSTO and OOXML but still out there could be useful applications written in VBA, or you might be interested to port those to .NET, or you’d like to leverage Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

The Rendering Fidelity of Footnotes

This article is a technical blurb mostly about why it is taking so long for us to support footnotes and endnotes in Aspose.Words when rendering documents to PDF, XPS or printing. This post looks at how Microsoft Word handles some tricky layouts and even reveals some obscure flaws. It might be interesting to Aspose.Words customers who are waiting for footnotes to be supported or to any other developer whomever pondered about document layout.

As you might know one of the

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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

TOC Update and MERGEFORMAT Supported by Aspose.Words for .NET 9.0

We are happy to announce that a top priority feature (40+ requests logged in our defect database) is now implemented in the recently released Aspose.Words for .NET 9.0. TOC fields are now updated along with others!

TOC stands for Table of Contents and is represented by the TOC field in a Microsoft Word document. TOC entries may be built from:

  • Paragraphs having the HeadingN style where N is the level of the heading
  • Paragraphs having special styles specified in the
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |