Usage Rights Signature Field Check Supported in Aspose.PDF for Java

We have published a new release of Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java. In Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java 2.9.0, we have provided support for signature fields. You can specify the location for signatures using signature fields and then fill these fields with signatures. You can see a sample on this link.

We have also provided support for usage rights checks. PKCS#1, PKCS#7, and PKCS#7 Detached signature types have been supported in this version. You can also get product name or version number using the following code:


We have also made some changes in the API related to the bookmark feature. BookMark and PdfBookMarkEditor classes have been renamed to Bookmark and PdfBookmarkEditor; the capital M has been changed with small m in other bookmark related methods as well. So, while using the new version, please modify your code accordingly.

You can see the complete list of changes and download the latest version from the Aspose.Pdf.Kit for Java download section.