Set Formulas beyond Excel 2003 Restriction and Render Charts in Excel to PDF with Aspose.Cells for Java 2.2.0

We have released Aspose.Cells for Java v2.2.0 for the users.

In this version, we have provided some new features and enhanced few existing features. The component is now capable to set formulas that exceed MS Excel 2003 row/column/parameters limitation. It also supports MS Excel 2010 Sparklines feature. The component can auto-detect several file formats including HTML and SpreadsheetML files. It supports to save a custom color using the nearest matching color in the palette if the color is not in the standard palette. There are several enhancements for Chart to Image and Excel to Pdf features. The charts (in the template Excel file) would be rendered as images in the generated PDF file. Moreover, you can also remove blank rows and columns in the worksheet for your need.

There are some other fixes and enhancements too.


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