KDSolutions created a Digital Filing System using Aspose.BarCode for .NET

About KDSolutions

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Aspose.BarCode for.Net library was used in one of our projects to assist with automating the filing process of scanned digital files. The files were scanned using a network scanner as into .tif files and saved on a shared network drive. The Aspose.Barcode .Net library and ASP.NET technology were used to search Barcodes within the pages of scanned files, recognize them, and find their appropriate match to encrypt and move the file to its destination.

Business Requirement

One of the main requirements for my project was the option of using the DataMatrix barcode symbology which shall allow my product the ability to expand its functionality by storing a large amount of data in a very small area.


The Aspose.BarCode for .NET component allowed me to scan a specified section of a document for a barcode and then, depending on the existence and/or output of the barcode, move the document or rename it where necessary. This control was also involved in creating printable labels for sticking the barcodes onto documents before being scanned.


Before using this product, the system could only move files manually as the user selected them and decided their destination through a series of date pickers and drop-down lists. However, Aspose.BarCode for .NET allowed me to shorten the time between scanning a file and making it searchable within the system while allowing me to manipulate files as soon as they were scanned.

Next Steps

I plan to expand the usage of the Aspose.BarCode for .NET library and possibly implement the Aspose.Imaging for .NET to allow me to scan documents to PDF instead of a TIF file (first save BarCode to Raster image and then render the image to PDF format)


Aspose.BarCode for .NET is best choice

Aspose’s product was extremely helpful and quite possibly the best choice for my system with its great features, results, and licensing scheme. I have spent many years developing and enhancing my product and Aspose has allowed me to make my product much more friendly and useful, and therefore more marketable. Thank you, Aspose!

Kiel Diller
KD Solutions