PPT/PPTX to PDF, Slide/Shape names & rendering issues resolved

There has been a long awaited requirement for exporting PPT/PPTX to PDF. Keeping this requirement in view, the new version of Aspose.Slides for Java 2.2.0 has been released. Moreover, now the programmer don’t need to remember the slides, shapes and group shapes through their IDs but with their user defined names, because a new feature for setting and accessing names of these entities has been provided in this release. Slide cloning, thumbnail generation features have been improved further. Issues pertaining to reading and writing of PPTX, along with problems related to embedding and linking of audio/video frames in PPT have been catered. Issues related to support for default empty PPTX constructor and inclusion of empty slides has also been addressed. Many of other minor issues pertaining to slide rendering and formatting have also been resolved.

In order to view a complete list of fixes and to download Aspose.Slides for Java 2.2.0, please visit this link.