Blue Inkt exports data from their Software to Excel with Aspose.Cells

About Blue Inkt

Blue Inkt is a Dutch company that develops web-based software that can be applied to almost every business station and fit any level of a company’s day to day business worldwide. We provide a number of web-based software applications, but the core business for us is TeleManager, Lead manager, and upcoming marketing manager.


A few of our customers that use our software asked frequently for a solution for making export from LeadManager to excel. They use it to make an export by using the print screen button but the way it worked now wasn’t efficient enough so we needed a solution for this issue. Another option was that we made an export from the database but it would cost too much time because the database contained a lot of data that users did not need.


We started looking for the right solution to solve this problem. After a few clicks on the website Google, we saw that Aspose has a solution we needed. We tried the 30 days promo and were really excited about it. We build an extra button in our applications to make exports to Excel. (see image)

The result of this test was very good. If you have, for example, 100 requests for an export that each takes 10 minutes. You don’t have to be an expert to realize this really was the solution we needed.

Now we have solved the issue that was causing our clients too much time. The usability of our products is higher.