Aspose.Total for Reporting Services Q3 2009

What’s New in Aspose.Total for Reporting Services Q3 2009:

Aspose.Words for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Added the XML Paper Specification (XPS) export format.

2.      Added the Electronic Publication (EPUB) export format.

3.      Based on the latest Aspose.Words for .NET 7.0.

Bug Fixes

1.      Incorrect Display of Page Number.

2.      No Background Image in Document Header.

3.      Data getting cut off in MS Word Export.

4.      DOCX cell padding set to 0 was actually greater than 0.

5.      Minor fixes and improvements.

6.      NullReferenceException thrown for some reports that contain hidden items.

7.      Not all of table cell text fir on the page.

8.      Problems with large table cells that spread over two and more pages.

9.      Long table cells (higher than a page) are displayed incorrectly.

10.  Group page breaks are placed incorrectly for some complex cases.

Aspose.Slides for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      PPSX format export implementation.

2.      Updated product documentation.

3.      Added export to the PPTX format – Microsoft PowerPoint 2007 Presentation.

4.      Based on the latest version of Aspose.Slides for .NET 3.1.1.

5.      Updated product documentation.

Bug Fixes

1.      PPSX format export implementation.

Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Enhanced SSRS2008 renderer, supported Document Map, Page Break and Gauge.

2.      Boosted license function.

3.      Improved rendering performance.

4.      Enhanced MS Excel 2007 Custom UI of Aspose.Cells.Report.Designer component.

Bug Fixes

1.      Fixed Aspose.Cells.Report.Designer general temp file bug.

2.      Fixed Aspose.Cells.Report.Designer built dataset bug in 64-bit OS.

3.      Error when Exporting.

4.      Product is not work.

5.      Report Server URL Question.

6.      How do I install a .lic.

7.      Support Page break.

Aspose.Flash for Reporting Services

New Features

1.      Export Reporting Services Reports to SWF Format.

2.      Export Reporting Services Reports to FLV Format.

3.      Integrate with Microsoft Report Viewer.

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