Customize LegendBox and Custom Axis Labels using Aspose.Reports

Aspose.Report for .NET 1.3.0 has been released. This release includes advanced customization features for LegendBox and Custom Axis Labels.

Customization of LegendBox was supported in previous versions but this release includes some advanced customization features like displaying image in place of markers and inserting a LegendItem which is independent of the series. Previously, series was required parameter to add a custom LegendItem but using this release, you can add a LegendItem without providing the series.

Similarly, users were able to add Custom Axis Labels in the previous versions but this release includes some advance features for Custom Axis Labels e.g. you can set the angle of the Custom Axis Label, set the offset from Axis or set the transparency of the Custom Axis Label.

This release includes an important feature for Pie and Doughnut charts and now you can set the FirstSliceAngle for these chart types.

Ability to change the transparence of a DataPoint in the Point chart is also included in this release. This release also includes some important fixes from previous version.

To view a complete list of new features and fixes and to download new release of Aspose.Report for .NET, please visit Download Page