Render DOC, OOXML, ODT, RTF and HTML Documents in Silverlight

Document Toolkit is a product of First Floor Software and provides a fast and feature-rich XPS document viewer library for Silverlight. The XML Paper Specification (XPS) is a fixed document format similar to PDF. In order to render Word documents in Silverlight, Document Toolkit requires the document to be converted to the XPS format first.

Aspose.Words for .NET is a document processing library by Aspose and provides document conversion to the XPS format. Aspose.Words supports all modern Word documents formats available today including Word 97-2003, Word 2007, WordML and OOXML. Conversion of OpenDocument (ODT), Rich Text Format (RTF) and HTML documents is supported as well.

Online Demo

Aspose.Words for .NET and Document Toolkit for Silverlight together provide an easy, powerful and seamless document viewing experience in Silverlight as is demonstrated in the online demo application. Run the application and view your own Word, Open Office, RTF and HTML documents right in Silverlight.

Launch the demo application (requires Silverlight 3)

About Aspose

Aspose is a leading vendor of .NET and Java development components, and rendering extensions for platforms such as Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services and JasperReports.

More information about Aspose can be found at

About First Floor Software

First Floor Software, based in The Hague, The Netherlands, is an Independent Software Vendor focusing entirely on the Silverlight technology. The company was founded late 2008 by Koen Zwikstra.

More information about First Floor Software can be found at