Aspose.Words for .NET 6.4.0 Supports Exporting to PDF/A-1b

We have just released Aspose.Words for .NET 6.4.0 that includes the following:

  • Export to PDF/A supported
  • Export to ODT details are included in the documentation
  • 70+ fixes

PDF/A Supported

By default, when converting documents to PDF, Aspose.Words for .NET creates PDF 1.5 comliant files. But now you can specify whether you want to have PDF 1.5 or PDF/A-1b compliance. We are planning to support PDF/A-1a in the next few months as well.

Documentation Updates

The following documentation pages were updated:

  • Introducing Aspose.Words – revamped with the Aspose.Words architecture diagram.
  • Mono – screenshot of Aspose.Words used with Mono on Linux.
  • Export to EPUB – added to the documentation.
  • Save in the OpenDocument Text (.odt) Format – a detailed table that specifies what document features are supported.

70+ Fixes

For the detailed list of fixes and to download the new release please see