Just5clicks generated huge Tabular reports in School Management Software using Aspose.PDF for .NET

About Just5clicks

We have used Aspose.PDF for .NET API extensively in our ASP.NET web application. We wrote software for school districts where we had the following modules: data warehouse, progress card, report card, reporting system, online test-taking, bubble sheet generation, and scanning. We used Aspose.PDF For .NET for report generation, progress/report card generation, and bubble sheet/rubric generation.

Scenario Requirements

Solution Implementation

Initially, we used a 3rd party component to generate charts, but they did not provide the functionality to export the charts to PDF. We streamed a bitmap image to Aspose.PDF for .NET and it easily generated a PDF document for us. Some of our reports had multiple charts and were run on each student in a class. So in that scenario, we generated a page for each student and/or chart. An example of this has been an annual report that the School Board uses while making decisions.

We also used Aspose.PDF for .NET to generate tabular reports that were custom by customers. Sometimes the reports were comprised of hundreds of pages and Aspose.PDF for .NET API generated such huge PDF files quickly when compared to other competing components. An example has been a take-home report that was generated for each student in a class and it contained a number of charts and tabular reports.

Apart from this, some of our clients used our progress card module. We typically had multiple templates per grade and we used Aspose.PDF for .NET to dynamically generate all of these templates based on configuration tables.

We also used Aspose.PDF for .NET to generate bubble sheets for students and teachers to input answers or scores for local assessments. We then generated a PDF document that had a page for each student with an appropriate number of bubbles on it. Each bubble corresponded to the number of questions on the test. The district was then able to print out these bubble sheets on any printer and they were later scanned and scored by our software. In addition to simple bubble sheets, we also had the ability to add rubrics to the PDF document.


Aspose.PDF for .NET gave us the functionality and interfaces we required which were not present in other PDF generation components that we evaluated. Furthermore, while we reviewed the features of Apose.PDF for .NET, it also gave us some ideas on how to implement new processes and reports.

We have used the product support many times and we have been very satisfied with the level of support we have received.

Future Implementations

We will continue to add new features to our software on a daily basis and will keep on using Aspose.PDF for .NET as a core component.


Overall, we have had a good experience when using and dealing with Aspose.PDF for .NET.


A chart export to PDF

Preview of Chart being exported to PDF
Image 1:- Chart Preview in School Management System
Chart preview in PDF format
Image 2:- Chart Preview in PDF document

Generate bubble sheets

Bubble sheet preview in School Management System
Image 3:- Bubble sheet Preview in School Management System
Bubble Chart Preview in PDF format
Image 4:- Bubble sheet Preview in PDF document

Michael Synowicz