Using Aspose APIs, Germo Implemented Textual content extraction from custom templates, bookmarks as well as Document properties in winEFW

About Germo

GERMO GmbH offers a variety of software solutions in the field of electronic forms, output management, and document management for health insurance funds. The software suite winEFW (windows Elektronisches Formularwesen, german for windows electronic template management) offers template management, template creation, and administrative functions as well as functions for document creation. To support template administrators during their workflow, winEFW includes a search module providing a great variety of search options for template administrators and editors.

The search includes full-text search as well as search for bookmarks or document properties within Microsoft Word documents and templates.
The search module was originally written in C++ using COM to access the templates. Within the product lifecycle, the customer’s template portfolio increased from a few hundred templates to more than 3000 templates by now. The increasing numbers of templates led to an unacceptable deterioration within the search process.

Requirements Scenario

Within a product upgrade, GERMO GmbH decided to reengineer the search module from scratch as a JAVA desktop application. In order to fulfill customer requirements, the search module needs to provide the following functions:

Solution Implementation

The evaluation of the available libraries showed that Aspose.Words for Java perfectly matched our requirements. Aspose.Words for Java has been used to extract textual content from our custom templates as well as bookmarks or custom document properties. The significant increase in processing speed allowed our customers to retrieve their requested information in a very efficient way and therefore gain a great increase in performance.


Aspose.Words for Java offers a smart solution to implement document access within applications and supports the developers with widespread documentation and comprehensive source examples.

Aspose.Words for Java possess an excellent performance leaving the current COM-based implementation far behind. A .NET sibling of API (Aspose.Words for .NET) is also available and can make potential migrations to .NET very handy.

Future Implementations

GERMO GmbH is currently developing tools for server-side creation of form letters using Aspose.Words for .NET and Aspose.PDF for .NET within a .NET environment. During the evaluation with the trial version, Aspose provided a very fast document creation process. Therefore, GERMO GmbH decided to use Aspose tools for ancillary products.


By using Aspose.Words for Java, we achieved major progress in our daily work and we therefore highly recommend it to prospective customers.

Result preview of search operation
Image 1:- Result of a search operation
A preview of About us dialog
Image2:- About us preview