Monthly Archives: January 2009

Aspose.Slides for Java 1.9.0

We are happy to announce Aspose.Slides for Java 1.9.0!

What’s changed:

  • Ported latest pptx updates from .NET version of Aspose.Slides.
  • Additional optimization of PPT format reading and writing.
  • Improved rendering of autoshapes.
  • Dozen of fixes and enhancements since last hot fix.

In the following Aspose.Slides for Java releases we plan to introduce our new rendering engine ported from .NET
with greatly improved rendering slides to images and own direct export to PDF.

For additional information please follow download link.… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Slides Product Family |

How to cancel Meeting Request

You can easily send meeting requests to one or more attendees using Aspose.Network. The latest version now comes with the cancel meeting request feature. Please check out the details at The latest version of Aspose.Network is available from… Continue Reading
Posted in Aspose.Email Product Family |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, January 2009

<!– #newsletter-body { font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 14px; background-color:#FFFFFF; } #newsletter-body h4 { font-size:16px; } #newsletter-body a, #newsletter-body a:link, #newsletter-body a:visited, #newsletter-body a:active, #newsletter-body a:focus { text-decoration:none; color: #009fcd; } #newsletter-body a:hover { text-decoration:underline; } #newsletter-body ol li{ line-height: 1.3em } #newsletter-body hr { height: 1px; clear: both; } –>Continue Reading
Posted in Customer Newsletters |