Marketing MO Manipulated Word Documents Directly within Web Application using APIs

About Marketing MO

Marketing MO delivers tools, documents and content for marketing, sales and strategy consultants. From the client area of our website, customers use our web-based software to create plans, manage client projects, store files, and access hundreds of best practices in 29 business subjects.

Our license gives our clients the right to use and re-use our best practices to deliver services under their own brand.

Requirements Scenario

By the time when v2.0 of our product was available, our users used to download MS Word document templates directly from our server. Then they need to modify the documents on their desktop, customizing the content, fonts, and graphics.

However starting v3.0, we decided to automate some of this customization to shorten the length of time our consultants spend preparing documents for client work. Our requirements included:

Solution Implementation

Aspose delivered all of the required functionality. Instead of building it from scratch, we’re able to install Aspose.Words for .NET in our application to handle these tasks starting our v3.0.


Aspose.Words for .NET saved us development time and the support gave us comfort that our developers will get assistance regarding any occurring issues.


Aspose.Words for .NET has worked as expected, and we’re pleased we found it!

Preview of best practices
Image 1:- One of our 29 best practices download pages in the client area:
Closeup of Best practices
Image 2:- Closeup of a downloadable best practice:
Download resultant Word document
Image 3:- Downloading the Word document:

Given below is the document modified using Aspose.Words for .NET during the download. It has inserted the logo in the title, changed the font and changed the color of the tables.

Document updated with Aspose.Words for .NET

Jim Sagar
Consulting M.O