Aspose.Words for Java 2.6.0 Released!

We are happy to announce that Aspose.Words for Java now supports loading of Microsoft Office 2007 Open XML (DOCX) documents!

One of the earlier releases, Aspose.Words for Java 2.4.0 introduced the ability to save documents in the Microsoft Word 2007 DOCX format. This Aspose.Words for Java 2.6.0 release makes it possible to load DOCX files. Now you can open, generate, save and convert DOCX documents. This makes Aspose.Words for Java a first document processing Java library on the market that provides such capabilities.

The DOCX import code in Aspose.Words for Java 2.6.0 is mature enough and matches DOCX features of Aspose.Words for .NET 5.2.0.

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