Generate, Convert and Modify DOC, OOXML, RTF, HTML documents in PHP, Perl, Python, PowerBuilder, VBScript etc

This has been possible with Aspose.Words all the time, but it has now gotten a lot easier.

We used to promote Aspose.Words to be used in .NET and Java applications only and provided “pretty cold” support for customers who wanted to use Aspose.Words in classical ASP with VBScript or JavaScript, in PHP, Delphi or other programming languages.

We have changed the policy now and we are happy to fully support use of Aspose.Words from any programming language.

Here is what we’ve done in the latest Aspose.Words for .NET 5.3.0 release:

  • Included .TLB and .IDL in the installation. Having a type library will make it easier for you use discover method signatures and enumerated values to use from unmanaged code when using Aspose.Words via COM Interop.
  • Provided a new section in the documentation Utilize Aspose.Words in other Programming Languages with examples in VBScript, Perl, PowerBuilder, PHP and Python both for Aspose.Words for .NET and Aspose.Words for Java.

We do not stop here and plan to provide more code examples (maybe even include them in the main API Reference along examples for C#, VB.NET and Java) in the next versions.

Let us know what programming language do you use and what examples do you want to see.