Word Processing in a Browser with Aspose.Editor

Don’t delay, try our latest Aspose.Editor online demo http://www.aspose.com/demos/aspose.editor/ for the “true word processing in a browser” experience.

Why am I posting about Aspose.Editor in the Aspose.Words blog?

Because Aspose.Editor is an important member of the family of word processing components developed by our team. All our components are based on the world-class Aspose.Words document conversion technology.

I am happy to announce that Aspose.Editor has now just gotten a lot more useful:

  • Great support for tables. Create, edit and modify tables, rows, columns, cells and formatting. Nested tables are supported too.
  • New document formats supported by Aspose.Words are now available in Aspose.Editor too including save as OpenDocument and MHTML.
  • Many other editor features including borders, shading, paragraph keeps and so on.

Here is to remind you about all of our components:

  • Aspose.Words for .NET and Java – the high-fidelity, multiple format document automation and conversion class library.
  • Aspose.Words for Reporting Services – adds export to all Aspose.Words supported document formats to Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services.
  • Aspose.Words for JasperReports – soon to come, adds export to all Aspose.Words supported document formats to JasperReports and JasperServer.
  • Aspose.Editor for .NET – a word processor UI control that you can easily embed into your  ASP.NET and Windows Forms applications. Supports all document formats available in Aspose.Words.

Here is how Aspose.Editor looks when running inside Internet Explorer 7.