Monthly Archives: July 2008

Aspose.Metafiles for Java Released

We have released Aspose.Metafiles for Java

What’s New:

  • Metafile.getTextStrings() method. Returns all text strings from a metafile.
  • TextOutOperation class which represents text string in a metafile with simple rendering rules like transformation matrix, position, color and font.
  • Metafile.getTextOutOperations() method. Returns array of TextOutOperation objects.
  • (get|set)MinPixelCount and (get|set)MaxPixelCount values which define minimal and maximal limits for image size (x*y) generated by createDefaultRendering() method. Image will be scaled in case it exceeds limits.
To download:
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Posted in Aspose.Total Product Family |

Why should you use Aspose.Words to generate OOXML (DOCX) documents?

Let me start a bit off-topic with: Why should you use Aspose.Words to generate DOC documents?

Since 2004, Aspose.Words has been an excellent library for reading, converting and generating binary DOC Microsoft Word documents. There is a question on Joel Spolsky’s discussion group How do Aspose and Others Generate Office Docs that unfortunately I did not have an opportunity to answer. One comment there says:

…you need to duplicate many, many man years of work in order to do this?

Has Apose really done
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Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Comparing VSTO with Aspose.Cells for .NET

In this article, we describe some comparison measurements of VSTO (Visual Studio Tools for Office) and Aspose.Cells for .NET on different aspects related to Spreadsheet tasks. We also list a few concerns and issues that you should know before making a final decision on adopting any solution.

Please check the complete article:… Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family |

Aspose Müşteri E-Bülten, Temmuz 2008

In This Issue

  • Hoşgeldiniz!
  • Ürün Vitrini – Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services
  • Aspose.Words for Java İyileştirmeleri
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET artık Patch code ve MacroPDF417 uyumlu
  • S/MIME artık Aspose.NETwork for .NET tarafından destekleniyor
  • Aspose.Recognition for .NET 1.0 BETA hazır
  • Reporting Services için Aspose.BarCode artık MS Visual Studio ve SQL Server 2008'i destekliyor
  • VSTO to Aspose 'dan Aspose.Cells'e geçiş
  • Teknik Makale – Outlook Msg Dosyası Görüntüleyici
  • Teknik İpucu – Word dokümanı MHTML ve E-posta'ya çevirme


Aspose Newsletter'ın Temmuz 2008 sayısına hoşlgediniz. Bu

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Posted in Aspose Turkey |

Aspose.Cells for Java Vs Open Source Competitors

In this article, we try to examine a feature comparison between Aspose.Cells for Java, JExcelAPI and POI-HSSF. Today we find different spreadsheet components that really promise to have feature-rich API for spreadsheet management. The article observes the feature analysis of Aspose.Cells for Java with its open-source competitors. We provide a summary of the valuable features of all three components. Moreover, we state some known limitations and deficiencies of the components if they have. We also present a comparison table for … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Cells Product Family | Tagged

How to get content of a node or bookmark as HTML, WordML, RTF?

How to get content of a node or bookmark as HTML, WordML, RTF?

Many customers of Aspose.Words ask this question, but so far there was no simple one-line-of-code way of doing that in Aspose.Words.

The general solution we recommended so far was to “extract” the document fragment you are interested in into a separate Document object and then use Document.Save to save it in the desired format. Extracting the fragment might be done either by deleting all content from the … Continue Reading

Posted in Aspose.Words Product Family |

Aspose Customer Newsletter, July 2008

In This Issue

  • Welcome!
  • Product Spotlight – Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services
  • Improvements in Aspose.Words for Java
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET now supports Patch code and MacroPDF417 recognition
  • S/MIME protocol now supported in Aspose.Network for .NET
  • Aspose.Recognition for .NET 1.0 BETA is now available
  • Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services supports MS Visual Studio and SQL Server 2008
  • Migration from VSTO to Aspose – Aspose.Cells
  • Technical Article – Outlook Msg File Viewer
  • Technical Tip – Convert a Word Document to MHTML and Email


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Posted in Customer Newsletters |

Aspose 2008年7月お客様へのメールマガジン

In This Issue

  • ウェルカム!
  • 製品スポットライト – Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services
  • Aspose.Words for Java の改良
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET で Patch コードと MacroPDF417 認識のサポート
  • Aspose.Network for .NET で S/MIME プロトコルをサポート
  • Aspose.Recognition for .NET 1.0 BETA 提供開始
  • Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services で MS Visual Studio 2008 と SQL Server 2008 をサポート
  • VSTO から Aspose への移植 – Aspose.Cells
  • Technical Article – Outlook Msg File Viewer
  • Technical Tip – Word ドキュメントを MHTML と Email へ変換


Aspose Newsletter 2008年 7月号をご覧頂き、誠に有難うございます。今月のニュースレターでは、スポットライト製品として Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services 製品を紹介します。また、Aspose.Words、Aspose.BarCode、Aspose.Network

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Posted in Aspose Japan |

Aspose 顾客时事通讯, 2008 年7月

In This Issue

  • 欢迎!
  • 产品聚光灯 – Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services
  • Aspose.Words for Java的改进
  • Aspose.BarCode for .NET 目前可识别Patch编码和 MacroPDF417
  • Aspose.Network for .NET目前支持S/MIME协议
  • Aspose.Recognition for .NET 1.0测试版可用
  • Aspose.BarCode for Reporting Services 支持 MS Visual Studio and SQL Server 2008
  • 从VSTO移植到Aspose – Aspose.Cells
  • 技术文档 – Outlook Msg 文件浏览器
  • 技术小技巧 – 转换Word文档到MHTML和Email


欢迎阅读Aspose2008年7月份月度快报!在本期快报中我们将对我们的亮点产品Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services做出相关介绍。还将对新近发布的产品Aspose.Words, Aspose.BarCode, Aspose.Network以及Aspose.Recognition的新功能以及已有功能做出相关介绍。我们还将讲解如何使用Aspose.Cell将VSTO代码移植到Aspose。通过本月的技术小贴士,您将了解到来自Aspose的最新技术信息——如何转换Word文档为MHTML和Email。在我们的技术文章中还将介绍如何创建一个Outlook Msg文件浏览器。


Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services 允许您在Microsoft SQL Server 2005 Reporting Services中发布本地Excel报表。不同于Excel本地基本报表,Aspose.Cells for Reporting Services提供了额外的功能设置并允许 RDL报表转换为:Excel 97-2003 二进制XLS 格式、 SpreadsheetML 或 Excel 2007 XLSX 格式。

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Posted in Aspose China |