Aspose.Words for Reporting Services Released

Please welcome another release of our popular product – Aspose.Words for Reporting Services We’ve decided to skip a bunch of maintenance releases such as 2.1.X.X mainly because of a couple of new export formats implemented –

  • Hypertext markup language (HTML)
  • Plain text (TXT)

We could have added these formats much earlier (since the product is built on the top of Aspose.Words which supports both), but we were not quite sure the users really needed them. But we’ve recently figured out they did! Moreover, we’ve made some improvements to the TXT export format, so that tables now preserve their layout when exported to plain text.

You can also notice a number of other improvements and fixes that are listed on the download page of the product:

As ever, we keep working hard on the product as it becomes widely used indeed and more and more customers visit our support forum to post their inquiries. Please don’t hesitate to do so and we’ll be as responsive as always!