WorldMap used Aspose.Cells for .NET to collect Global data at a local level

About WorldMap

Mission Atlas Project icon

The World Missions Atlas Project (MAP) is an attempt to pick up the challenge Charles H. Fahs issued in 1925, namely to utilize the advances in computer and Internet technologies to establish an accurate base map of the world (at least a 1:1,000,000 projection).

Our mission has been comprehensive: To create maps of languages and people groups for each country of the world while linking appropriate missions related data. The status of each language and people group was required to be evaluated with regards to the JESUS Film and Bible translation as well as their current level of exposure to the gospel message (also known as the “Status of Evangelization”).

With, we planned to provide a tool to provide the ability to collect global data at the local level. It was done in conjunction with Google Maps. The resulting reports were then analyzed with downloads of the information. Data was then uploaded and geocoded to enhance mapping.

Requirements Scenario

The requirement has been to collect data in areas where there has been no internet connection and it required us to provide data entry offline. This offline data was then uploaded later from a place with internet access. We decided that an Excel spreadsheet would be best for this. Aspose.Cells for .NET provided us with the development tools needed to export and import our data in the correct formats.

Solution Implementation

We used Aspose.Cells to create Excel Spreadsheets from data fields collected and summarized from data collected with We also used Aspose to create templates for data collection that were used as standard and user-based data collection.


Aspose.Cells for .NET also provided flexibility and power to create the spreadsheets needed to ease the acquisition of field data collection. Our existing Excel content and our use of .NET made your product the likely choice.

Future Implementations

We expect that other project that we will begin will benefit from this product.


The ease of use and performance of Aspose.Cells for .NET allowed us to add excel content dynamically. It’s a great tool to work with and we will continue to use it on future products.

Data entered in the following screenshots is then downloaded dynamically with any additional fields added by the user through the use of Aspose. We expect that other projects that we will begin will benefit from this product.

Mission Atlas Project image
Figure 1:- Globally acquired data displayed over Mission Atlas Project
Figure 2:- Screen to acquire Location based data.